Transform your existing social invitations in your app into a vehicle for instantly accessing your app. Rather than sending new potential users to the store after clicking on a social invite, new users will instantly see your app running and will interact with it. We generate a 1APP link that is a drop in replacement for all of your existing social invitation links that currently send new invitees to the app store. Now anyone that is invited gets instant access to your app without ever having to install the app or go to the store.

  • Use word of mouth from your existing audience, which remains one of the best marketing channels for growth
  • Make in-app content easy to share by allowing users to share the content that they are passionate about, not a link to the store to download an app.
  • Boost your existing social invitation conversion rate by 10X by using InstantShare and avoiding the 90% drop off of sending new users to the app stores
  • No change needed to your app
  • Automatic support for existing deep links that are already set up
  • Because InstantShare is built on OneOS, it comes with 1APP Analytics built in - allowing you to track literally every action a user makes with your instant app